Television | Composition

 The television is a wonderful gift of science. Indeed it is one of the seven wonders of modern science. An English scientist named Bayard invented the television in 1926. But the system had to be gradually improved by many other scientists before it could be successfully utilised by Bayard to make the modern television. How the system works: Television combines televised scenes with a take to reproducing sounds. This is done by installing a radio telephones at the two ends are thus able to hear and see each other. At the receiving station both the vision and the sound signals are made to pass through a radio frequency amplifier and frequency changer with the result that the signals devise themselves. In fact, the television is a system which employs mechanical photo, electrical and photo, electrical and wireless processes for reproducing scene, object, etc. at a distance. In many ways the method has the likeness to that of the cinema. The difference is that in the cinema pictures on a long film are reproduced while in the television an actual moving figures: i. e. the face of a speaker or of an actor is reproduced. Its importance: Television is a great improvement over the radio. Only by hearing a man’s speaking we may not understand him fully, but we both see and hear him his speech is likely to produce greater effect on our minds. It is thus clear that the television has a very great importance. Its growing popularity shows that it can be an effective instrument of entertainment and valuable medium of instruction. In western countries, it has already been playing this role with greater and greater success. In Bangladesh a Television station has been set up at Dhaka. It is hoped that this powerful organ of entertainment and instruction will have a network throughout the country before long. Conclusion: Television is a popular invention of modern science. It is, however, very costly.

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